Perform a PEFF test under Windows: (This requires that Perl is installed. Perhaps Strawberry Perl: or some other version) #### Check HOMEPATH and set the location of the Proteomics::PEFF distribution echo %HOMEPATH% (if this is not set to something sensible, that replace %HOMEPATH% below with C:\Users\myusername or something like that) cd %HOMEPATH% set PEFF=%HOMEPATH%\Documents\ProteomicsPEFF mkdir %PEFF% #### Download the Proteomics::PEFF distribution cd %PEFF% wget (or alternatively, manually download the zip file at that URL and save it to %PEFF% unzip (or unzip with Windows Explorer) #### If okay, add the bin area to the PATH and set the testData location set PATH=%PEFF%\bin\PEFF;%PATH% set PEFFTEST=%PEFF%\testData\PEFF #### Test the configuration. If this doesn't work, troubleshoot before proceeding perl %PEFF%/bin/ #### Test the validator on some files. The first 3 should produce no errors. #### The fourth should spew lots of errors because the file is NOT valid validatePEFF --input %PEFFTEST%/PEFF_Minimal_Valid.peff validatePEFF --input %PEFFTEST%/PEFF_AnnotID_Insulin_Valid.peff validatePEFF --input %PEFFTEST%/crap.peff validatePEFF --input %PEFFTEST%/PEFF_Tiny_INValid1.peff #### In a test directory, create a PEFF file from crap.fasta, applying (di+)methyl to TRYP lysines cd %HOMEPATH% mkdir testPEFF cd testPEFF copy %PEFFTEST%\crap.fasta . copy %PEFFTEST%\crap.fasta.header . copy %PEFFTEST%\crap_alterations.txt . alterPEFF --operation convertFASTAToPEFF --input crap.fasta --output crap.peff --databaseMetadataFile crap.fasta.header --alterations crap_alterations.txt --verbose 1